Apple WWDC 1996
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935 lines
; File: Gestalt.a
; Contains: Gestalt Interfaces.
; Version: Technology: System 7.5
; Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
; Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
; information (from above) and the problem description to:
; Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
; AppleLink: APPLE.BUGS
include 'Types.a'
include 'MixedMode.a'
; pascal OSErr Gestalt(OSType selector, long *response)
_Gestalt: OPWORD $A1AD
; pascal OSErr ReplaceGestalt(OSType selector, SelectorFunctionUPP gestaltFunction, SelectorFunctionUPP *oldGestaltFunction)
_ReplaceGestalt: OPWORD $A5AD
; pascal OSErr NewGestalt(OSType selector, SelectorFunctionUPP gestaltFunction)
; parameters:
; selector => D0
; gestaltFunction => A0
; returns:
; OSErr <= D0
_NewGestalt: OPWORD $A3AD
; These functions are built into System 7.5, but not on earlier systems
; pascal OSErr NewGestaltValue(OSType selector, long newValue)
move.w #$0401,D0
dc.w $ABF1
; pascal OSErr ReplaceGestaltValue(OSType selector, long replacementValue)
move.w #$0402,D0
dc.w $ABF1
; pascal OSErr SetGestaltValue(OSType selector, long newValue)
move.w #$0404,D0
dc.w $ABF1
; extern OSStatus CreateGestaltIterator(GestaltIteratorRef *theIterator)
IMPORT_CFM_FUNCTION CreateGestaltIterator
; extern OSStatus DisposeGestaltIterator(GestaltIteratorRef theIterator)
IMPORT_CFM_FUNCTION DisposeGestaltIterator
; extern OSStatus GetNextGestaltSelectors(GestaltIteratorRef theIterator, UInt32 numberToGet, OSType *gestaltSelectors, UInt32 *numberGotten)
IMPORT_CFM_FUNCTION GetNextGestaltSelectors
; extern OSErr DeleteGestalt(OSType selector)
; pascal OSErr DeleteGestaltValue(OSType selector)
move.w #$0203,D0
dc.w $ABF1
; Environs Equates
curSysEnvVers EQU 2 ; Updated to equal latest SysEnvirons version
SysEnvRec RECORD 0
environsVersion ds.w 1 ; offset: $0 (0)
machineType ds.w 1 ; offset: $2 (2)
systemVersion ds.w 1 ; offset: $4 (4)
processor ds.w 1 ; offset: $6 (6)
hasFPU ds.b 1 ; offset: $8 (8)
hasColorQD ds.b 1 ; offset: $9 (9)
keyBoardType ds.w 1 ; offset: $A (10)
atDrvrVersNum ds.w 1 ; offset: $C (12)
sysVRefNum ds.w 1 ; offset: $E (14)
sizeof EQU * ; size: $10 (16)
; pascal OSErr SysEnvirons(short versionRequested, SysEnvRec *theWorld)
; parameters:
; versionRequetheWorld=> D0
; theWorld => A0
; returns:
; OSErr <= D0
_SysEnvirons: OPWORD $A090
; Environment Selectors
gestaltAddressingModeAttr EQU 'addr' ; addressing mode attributes
gestalt32BitAddressing EQU 0 ; using 32-bit addressing mode
gestalt32BitSysZone EQU 1 ; 32-bit compatible system zone
gestalt32BitCapable EQU 2 ; Machine is 32-bit capable
gestaltAliasMgrAttr EQU 'alis' ; Alias Mgr Attributes
gestaltAliasMgrPresent EQU 0 ; True if the Alias Mgr is present
gestaltAliasMgrSupportsRemoteAppletalk EQU 1 ; True if the Alias Mgr knows about Remote Appletalk
gestaltAliasMgrSupportsAOCEKeychain EQU 2 ; True if the Alias Mgr knows about the AOCE Keychain
gestaltATAAttr EQU 'ata ' ; ATA is the driver to support IDE hard disks
gestaltATAPresent EQU 0 ; if set, ATA Manager is present
gestaltAppleTalkVersion EQU 'atlk' ; appletalk version
; FORMAT OF gestaltATalkVersion RESPONSE
; --------------------------------------
; The version is stored in the high three bytes of the response value. Let us number
; the bytes in the response value from 0 to 3, where 0 is the least-significant byte.
; Byte#: 3 2 1 0
; Value: 0xMMNNRR00
; Byte 3 (MM) contains the major revision number, byte 2 (NN) contains the minor
; revision number, and byte 1 (RR) contains a constant that represents the release
; stage. Byte 0 always contains 0x00. The constants for the release stages are:
; development = 0x20
; alpha = 0x40
; beta = 0x60
; final = 0x80
; release = 0x80
; For example, if you call Gestalt with the 'atkv' selector when AppleTalk version 57
; is loaded, you receive the long integer response value 0x39008000.
gestaltATalkVersion EQU 'atkv' ; Detailed AppleTalk version; see comment above for format
gestaltAUXVersion EQU 'a/ux' ; a/ux version, if present
gestaltBusClkSpeed EQU 'bclk' ; main I/O bus clock speed in hertz
gestaltCloseViewAttr EQU 'BSDa' ; CloseView attributes
gestaltCloseViewEnabled EQU 0 ; Closeview enabled (dynamic bit - returns current state)
gestaltCloseViewDisplayMgrFriendly EQU 1 ; Closeview compatible with Display Manager (FUTURE)
gestaltCFMAttr EQU 'cfrg' ; returns information about the Code Fragment Manager
gestaltCFMPresent EQU 0 ; true if the Code Fragment Manager is present
gestaltCollectionMgrVersion EQU 'cltn' ; Collection Manager version
gestaltColorMatchingAttr EQU 'cmta' ; ColorSync attributes
gestaltHighLevelMatching EQU 0
gestaltColorMatchingLibLoaded EQU 1
gestaltColorMatchingVersion EQU 'cmtc'
gestaltColorSync10 EQU $0100 ; 0x0100 & 0x0110 _Gestalt versions for 1.0-1.0.3 product
gestaltColorSync11 EQU $0110 ; 0x0100 == low-level matching only
gestaltColorSync104 EQU $0104 ; Real version, by popular demand
gestaltColorSync105 EQU $0105
gestaltColorSync20 EQU $0200 ; ColorSync 2.0
gestaltConnMgrAttr EQU 'conn' ; connection mgr attributes
gestaltConnMgrPresent EQU 0
gestaltConnMgrCMSearchFix EQU 1 ; Fix to CMAddSearch?
gestaltConnMgrErrorString EQU 2 ; has CMGetErrorString()
gestaltConnMgrMultiAsyncIO EQU 3 ; CMNewIOPB, CMDisposeIOPB, CMPBRead, CMPBWrite, CMPBIOKill
gestaltComponentMgr EQU 'cpnt' ; Component Mgr version
gestaltColorPickerVersion EQU 'cpkr' ; returns version of ColorPicker
gestaltColorPicker EQU 'cpkr' ; gestaltColorPicker is old name for gestaltColorPickerVersion
; The gestaltNativeCPUtype ('cput') selector can be used to determine the
; native CPU type for all Macs running System 7.5 or later.
; The 'cput' selector is not available when running System 7.0 (or earlier)
; on most 68K machines. If 'cput' is not available, then the 'proc' selector
; should be used to determine the processor type.
; An application should always try the 'cput' selector first. This is because,
; on PowerPC machines, the 'proc' selector will reflect the CPU type of the
; emulator's "virtual processor" rather than the native CPU type.
; The values specified below are accurate. Prior versions of the Gestalt
; interface file contained values that were off by one.
; The Quadra 840AV and the Quadra 660AV contain a bug in the ROM code that
; causes the 'cput' selector to respond with the value 5. This behavior
; occurs only when running System 7.1. System 7.5 fixes the bug by replacing
; the faulty 'cput' selector function with the correct one.
gestaltNativeCPUtype EQU 'cput' ; Native CPU type
gestaltCPU68000 EQU 0 ; Various 68k CPUs...
gestaltCPU68010 EQU 1
gestaltCPU68020 EQU 2
gestaltCPU68030 EQU 3
gestaltCPU68040 EQU 4
gestaltCPU601 EQU $0101 ; IBM 601
gestaltCPU603 EQU $0103
gestaltCPU604 EQU $0104
gestaltCPU603e EQU $0106
gestaltCRMAttr EQU 'crm ' ; comm resource mgr attributes
gestaltCRMPresent EQU 0
gestaltCRMPersistentFix EQU 1 ; fix for persistent tools
gestaltCRMToolRsrcCalls EQU 2 ; has CRMGetToolResource/ReleaseToolResource
gestaltControlStripVersion EQU 'csvr' ; Control Strip version (was 'sdvr')
gestaltCTBVersion EQU 'ctbv' ; CommToolbox version
gestaltDBAccessMgrAttr EQU 'dbac' ; Database Access Mgr attributes
gestaltDBAccessMgrPresent EQU 0 ; True if Database Access Mgr present
gestaltDictionaryMgrAttr EQU 'dict' ; Dictionary Manager attributes
gestaltDictionaryMgrPresent EQU 0 ; Dictionary Manager attributes
gestaltDITLExtAttr EQU 'ditl' ; AppenDITL, etc. calls from CTB
gestaltDITLExtPresent EQU 0 ; True if calls are present
gestaltDisplayMgrAttr EQU 'dply' ; Display Manager attributes
gestaltDisplayMgrPresent EQU 0 ; True if Display Mgr is present
gestaltDisplayMgrCanSwitchMirrored EQU 2 ; True if Display Mgr can switch modes on mirrored displays
gestaltDisplayMgrSetDepthNotifies EQU 3 ; True SetDepth generates displays mgr notification
gestaltDisplayMgrVers EQU 'dplv' ; Display Manager version
gestaltDragMgrAttr EQU 'drag' ; Drag Manager attributes
gestaltDragMgrPresent EQU 0 ; Drag Manager is present
gestaltDragMgrFloatingWind EQU 1 ; Drag Manager supports floating windows
gestaltPPCDragLibPresent EQU 2 ; Drag Manager PPC DragLib is present
gestaltDragMgrHasImageSupport EQU 3 ; Drag Manager allows SetDragImage call
gestaltEasyAccessAttr EQU 'easy' ; Easy Access attributes
gestaltEasyAccessOff EQU 0 ; if Easy Access present, but off (no icon)
gestaltEasyAccessOn EQU 1 ; if Easy Access "On"
gestaltEasyAccessSticky EQU 2 ; if Easy Access "Sticky"
gestaltEasyAccessLocked EQU 3 ; if Easy Access "Locked"
gestaltEditionMgrAttr EQU 'edtn' ; Edition Mgr attributes
gestaltEditionMgrPresent EQU 0 ; True if Edition Mgr present
gestaltEditionMgrTranslationAware EQU 1 ; True if edition manager is translation manager aware
gestaltAppleEventsAttr EQU 'evnt' ; Apple Events attributes
gestaltAppleEventsPresent EQU 0 ; True if Apple Events present
gestaltScriptingSupport EQU 1
gestaltOSLInSystem EQU 2 ; OSL is in system so don't use the one linked in to app
gestaltFinderAttr EQU 'fndr' ; Finder attributes
gestaltFinderDropEvent EQU 0 ; Finder recognizes drop event
gestaltFinderMagicPlacement EQU 1 ; Finder supports magic icon placement
gestaltFinderCallsAEProcess EQU 2 ; Finder calls AEProcessAppleEvent
gestaltOSLCompliantFinder EQU 3 ; Finder is scriptable and recordable
gestaltFinderSupports4GBVolumes EQU 4 ; Finder correctly handles 4GB volumes
gestaltFinderHasClippings EQU 6 ; Finder supports Drag Manager clipping files
gestaltFindFolderAttr EQU 'fold' ; Folder Mgr attributes
gestaltFindFolderPresent EQU 0 ; True if Folder Mgr present
gestaltFontMgrAttr EQU 'font' ; Font Mgr attributes
gestaltOutlineFonts EQU 0 ; True if Outline Fonts supported
gestaltFPUType EQU 'fpu ' ; fpu type
gestaltNoFPU EQU 0 ; no FPU
gestalt68881 EQU 1 ; 68881 FPU
gestalt68882 EQU 2 ; 68882 FPU
gestalt68040FPU EQU 3 ; 68040 built-in FPU
gestaltFSAttr EQU 'fs ' ; file system attributes
gestaltFullExtFSDispatching EQU 0 ; has really cool new HFSDispatch dispatcher
gestaltHasFSSpecCalls EQU 1 ; has FSSpec calls
gestaltHasFileSystemManager EQU 2 ; has a file system manager
gestaltFSMDoesDynamicLoad EQU 3 ; file system manager supports dynamic loading
gestaltFSSupports4GBVols EQU 4 ; file system supports 4 gigabyte volumes
gestaltFSSupports2TBVols EQU 5 ; file system supports 2 terabyte volumes
gestaltHasExtendedDiskInit EQU 6 ; has extended Disk Initialization calls
gestaltFSMVersion EQU 'fsm '
gestaltFXfrMgrAttr EQU 'fxfr' ; file transfer manager attributes
gestaltFXfrMgrPresent EQU 0
gestaltFXfrMgrMultiFile EQU 1 ; supports FTSend and FTReceive
gestaltFXfrMgrErrorString EQU 2 ; supports FTGetErrorString
gestaltFXfrMgrAsync EQU 3 ;supports FTSendAsync, FTReceiveAsync, FTCompletionAsync
gestaltGraphicsAttr EQU 'gfxa' ; Quickdraw GX attributes selector
gestaltGraphicsIsDebugging EQU $00000001
gestaltGraphicsIsLoaded EQU $00000002
gestaltGraphicsIsPowerPC EQU $00000004
gestaltGraphicsVersion EQU 'grfx' ; Quickdraw GX version selector
gestaltCurrentGraphicsVersion EQU $00010200 ; the version described in this set of headers
gestaltHardwareAttr EQU 'hdwr' ; hardware attributes
gestaltHasVIA1 EQU 0 ; VIA1 exists
gestaltHasVIA2 EQU 1 ; VIA2 exists
gestaltHasASC EQU 3 ; Apple Sound Chip exists
gestaltHasSCC EQU 4 ; SCC exists
gestaltHasSCSI EQU 7 ; SCSI exists
gestaltHasSoftPowerOff EQU 19 ; Capable of software power off
gestaltHasSCSI961 EQU 21 ; 53C96 SCSI controller on internal bus
gestaltHasSCSI962 EQU 22 ; 53C96 SCSI controller on external bus
gestaltHasUniversalROM EQU 24 ; Do we have a Universal ROM?
gestaltHasEnhancedLtalk EQU 30 ; Do we have Enhanced LocalTalk?
gestaltHelpMgrAttr EQU 'help' ; Help Mgr Attributes
gestaltHelpMgrPresent EQU 0 ; true if help mgr is present
gestaltHelpMgrExtensions EQU 1 ; true if help mgr extensions are installed
gestaltAppleGuideIsDebug EQU 30
gestaltAppleGuidePresent EQU 31 ; true if AppleGuide is installed
gestaltHardwareVendorCode EQU 'hrad' ; Returns hardware vendor information
gestaltHardwareVendorApple EQU 'Appl' ; Hardware built by Apple
gestaltCompressionMgr EQU 'icmp' ; returns version of the Image Compression Manager
gestaltIconUtilitiesAttr EQU 'icon' ; Icon Utilities attributes (Note: available in System 7.0, despite gestalt)
gestaltIconUtilitiesPresent EQU 0 ; true if icon utilities are present
; To obtain information about the connected keyboard(s), one should
; use the ADB Manager API. See Technical Note OV16 for details.
gestaltKeyboardType EQU 'kbd ' ; keyboard type
gestaltMacKbd EQU 1
gestaltMacAndPad EQU 2
gestaltMacPlusKbd EQU 3
gestaltExtADBKbd EQU 4
gestaltStdADBKbd EQU 5
gestaltPrtblADBKbd EQU 6
gestaltPrtblISOKbd EQU 7
gestaltStdISOADBKbd EQU 8
gestaltExtISOADBKbd EQU 9
gestaltADBKbdII EQU 10
gestaltADBISOKbdII EQU 11
gestaltPwrBookADBKbd EQU 12
gestaltPwrBookISOADBKbd EQU 13
gestaltAppleAdjustKeypad EQU 14
gestaltAppleAdjustADBKbd EQU 15
gestaltAppleAdjustISOKbd EQU 16
gestaltJapanAdjustADBKbd EQU 17 ; Japan Adjustable Keyboard
gestaltPwrBkExtISOKbd EQU 20 ; PowerBook Extended International Keyboard with function keys
gestaltPwrBkExtJISKbd EQU 21 ; PowerBook Extended Japanese Keyboard with function keys
gestaltPwrBkExtADBKbd EQU 24 ; PowerBook Extended Domestic Keyboard with function keys
gestaltLowMemorySize EQU 'lmem' ; size of low memory area
gestaltLogicalRAMSize EQU 'lram' ; logical ram size
; All future machine type constant names take the following form:
; gestalt<lineName><modelNumber>
; Line Names
; The following table contains the lines currently produced by Apple and the
; lineName substrings associated with them:
; Line lineName
; ------------------------- ------------
; Macintosh LC "MacLC"
; Macintosh Performa "Performa"
; Macintosh PowerBook "PowerBook"
; Macintosh PowerBook Duo "PowerBookDuo"
; Power Macintosh "PowerMac"
; Apple Workgroup Server "AWS"
; The following table contains lineNames for some discontinued lines:
; Line lineName
; ------------------------- ------------
; Macintosh Quadra "MacQuadra" (preferred)
; "Quadra" (also used, but not preferred)
; Macintosh Centris "MacCentris"
; Model Numbers
; The modelNumber is a string representing the specific model of the machine
; within its particular line. For example, for the Power Macintosh 8100/80,
; the modelNumber is "8100".
; Some Performa & LC model numbers contain variations in the rightmost 1 or 2
; digits to indicate different RAM and Hard Disk configurations. A single
; machine type is assigned for all variations of a specific model number. In
; this case, the modelNumber string consists of the constant leftmost part
; of the model number with 0s for the variant digits. For example, the
; Performa 6115 and Performa 6116 are both return the same machine type
; constant: gestaltPerforma6100.
; The "Underscore Speed" suffix
; In the past, Apple differentiated between machines that had the same model
; number but different speeds. For example, the Power Macintosh 8100/80 and
; Power Macintosh 8100/100 return different machine type constants. This is
; why some existing machine type constant names take the form:
; gestalt<lineName><modelNumber>_<speed>
; e.g.
; gestaltPowerMac8100_110
; gestaltPowerMac7100_80
; gestaltPowerMac7100_66
; It is no longer necessary to use the "underscore speed" suffix. Starting with
; the Power Surge machines (Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500 and 9500), speed is
; no longer used to differentiate between machine types. This is why a Power
; Macintosh 7200/75 and a Power Macintosh 7200/90 return the same machine type
; constant: gestaltPowerMac7200.
; The "Screen Type" suffix
; All PowerBook models prior to the PowerBook 190, and all PowerBook Duo models
; before the PowerBook Duo 2300 take the form:
; gestalt<lineName><modelNumber><screenType>
; Where <screenType> is "c" or the empty string.
; e.g.
; gestaltPowerBook100
; gestaltPowerBookDuo280
; gestaltPowerBookDuo280c
; gestaltPowerBook180
; gestaltPowerBook180c
; Starting with the PowerBook 190 series and the PowerBook Duo 2300 series, machine
; types are no longer differentiated based on screen type. This is why a PowerBook
; 5300cs/100 and a PowerBook 5300c/100 both return the same machine type constant:
; gestaltPowerBook5300.
; Macintosh LC 630 gestaltMacLC630
; Macintosh Performa 6200 gestaltPerforma6200
; Macintosh Quadra 700 gestaltQuadra700
; Macintosh PowerBook 5300 gestaltPowerBook5300
; Macintosh PowerBook Duo 2300 gestaltPowerBookDuo2300
; Power Macintosh 8500 gestaltPowerMac8500
gestaltMachineType EQU 'mach' ; machine type
gestaltClassic EQU 1
gestaltMacXL EQU 2
gestaltMac512KE EQU 3
gestaltMacPlus EQU 4
gestaltMacSE EQU 5
gestaltMacII EQU 6
gestaltMacIIx EQU 7
gestaltMacIIcx EQU 8
gestaltMacSE030 EQU 9
gestaltPortable EQU 10
gestaltMacIIci EQU 11
gestaltMacIIfx EQU 13
gestaltMacClassic EQU 17
gestaltMacIIsi EQU 18
gestaltMacLC EQU 19
gestaltQuadra900 EQU 20
gestaltPowerBook170 EQU 21
gestaltQuadra700 EQU 22
gestaltClassicII EQU 23
gestaltPowerBook100 EQU 24
gestaltPowerBook140 EQU 25
gestaltQuadra950 EQU 26
gestaltMacLCIII EQU 27
gestaltPerforma450 EQU 27
gestaltPowerBookDuo210 EQU 29
gestaltMacCentris650 EQU 30
gestaltPowerBookDuo230 EQU 32
gestaltPowerBook180 EQU 33
gestaltPowerBook160 EQU 34
gestaltMacQuadra800 EQU 35
gestaltMacQuadra650 EQU 36
gestaltMacLCII EQU 37
gestaltPowerBookDuo250 EQU 38
gestaltAWS9150_80 EQU 39
gestaltPowerMac8100_110 EQU 40
gestaltAWS8150_110 EQU 40
gestaltPowerMac5200 EQU 41
gestaltPowerMac6200 EQU 42
gestaltMacIIvi EQU 44
gestaltMacIIvm EQU 45
gestaltPerforma600 EQU 45
gestaltPowerMac7100_80 EQU 47
gestaltMacIIvx EQU 48
gestaltMacColorClassic EQU 49
gestaltPerforma250 EQU 49
gestaltPowerBook165c EQU 50
gestaltMacCentris610 EQU 52
gestaltMacQuadra610 EQU 53
gestaltPowerBook145 EQU 54
gestaltPowerMac8100_100 EQU 55
gestaltMacLC520 EQU 56
gestaltAWS9150_120 EQU 57
gestaltMacCentris660AV EQU 60
gestaltPerforma46x EQU 62
gestaltPowerMac8100_80 EQU 65
gestaltAWS8150_80 EQU 65
gestaltPowerMac9500 EQU 67
gestaltPowerMac7500 EQU 68
gestaltPowerMac8500 EQU 69
gestaltPowerBook180c EQU 71
gestaltPowerBook520 EQU 72
gestaltPowerBook520c EQU 72
gestaltPowerBook540 EQU 72
gestaltPowerBook540c EQU 72
gestaltPowerMac6100_60 EQU 75
gestaltAWS6150_60 EQU 75
gestaltPowerBookDuo270c EQU 77
gestaltMacQuadra840AV EQU 78
gestaltPerforma550 EQU 80
gestaltPowerBook165 EQU 84
gestaltPowerBook190 EQU 85
gestaltMacTV EQU 88
gestaltMacLC475 EQU 89
gestaltPerforma47x EQU 89
gestaltMacLC575 EQU 92
gestaltMacQuadra605 EQU 94
gestaltQuadra630 EQU 98
gestaltPowerMac6100_66 EQU 100
gestaltAWS6150_66 EQU 100
gestaltPowerBookDuo280 EQU 102
gestaltPowerBookDuo280c EQU 103
gestaltPowerMac7200 EQU 108
gestaltPowerMac7100_66 EQU 112 ; Power Macintosh 7100/66
gestaltPowerBook150 EQU 115
gestaltPowerBookDuo2300 EQU 124
gestaltPowerBook500PPCUpgrade EQU 126
gestaltPowerBook5300 EQU 128
kMachineNameStrID EQU -16395
gestaltMachineIcon EQU 'micn' ; machine icon
gestaltMiscAttr EQU 'misc' ; miscellaneous attributes
gestaltScrollingThrottle EQU 0 ; true if scrolling throttle on
gestaltSquareMenuBar EQU 2 ; true if menu bar is square
; The name gestaltMixedModeVersion for the 'mixd' selector is semantically incorrect.
; The same selector has been renamed gestaltMixedModeAttr to properly reflect the
; Inside Mac: PowerPC System Software documentation. The gestaltMixedModeVersion
; symbol has been preserved only for backwards compatibility.
; Developers are forewarned that gestaltMixedModeVersion has a limited lifespan and
; will be removed in a future release of the Interfaces.
; For the first version of Mixed Mode, both meanings of the 'mixd' selector are
; functionally identical. They both return 0x00000001. In subsequent versions
; of Mixed Mode, however, the 'mixd' selector will not respond with an increasing
; version number, but rather, with 32 attribute bits with various meanings.
gestaltMixedModeVersion EQU 'mixd' ; returns version of Mixed Mode
gestaltMixedModeAttr EQU 'mixd' ; returns Mixed Mode attributes
gestaltMixedModePowerPC EQU 0 ; true if Mixed Mode supports PowerPC ABI calling conventions
gestaltPowerPCAware EQU 0 ; old name for gestaltMixedModePowerPC
gestaltMixedModeCFM68K EQU 1 ; true if Mixed Mode supports CFM-68K calling conventions
gestaltMixedModeCFM68KHasTrap EQU 2 ; true if CFM-68K Mixed Mode implements _MixedModeDispatch (versions 1.0.1 and prior did not)
gestaltMMUType EQU 'mmu ' ; mmu type
gestaltNoMMU EQU 0 ; no MMU
gestaltAMU EQU 1 ; address management unit
gestalt68851 EQU 2 ; 68851 PMMU
gestalt68030MMU EQU 3 ; 68030 built-in MMU
gestalt68040MMU EQU 4 ; 68040 built-in MMU
gestaltEMMU1 EQU 5 ; Emulated MMU type 1
gestaltStdNBPAttr EQU 'nlup' ; standard nbp attributes
gestaltStdNBPPresent EQU 0
gestaltStdNBPSupportsAutoPosition EQU 1 ; StandardNBP takes (-1,-1) to mean alert position main screen
gestaltNotificationMgrAttr EQU 'nmgr' ; notification manager attributes
gestaltNotificationPresent EQU 0 ; notification manager exists
gestaltNameRegistryVersion EQU 'nreg' ; NameRegistryLib version number
gestaltNuBusSlotCount EQU 'nubs' ; count of logical NuBus slots present
gestaltOpenFirmwareInfo EQU 'opfw' ; Open Firmware info
gestaltOSAttr EQU 'os ' ; o/s attributes
gestaltSysZoneGrowable EQU 0 ; system heap is growable
gestaltLaunchCanReturn EQU 1 ; can return from launch
gestaltLaunchFullFileSpec EQU 2 ; can launch from full file spec
gestaltLaunchControl EQU 3 ; launch control support available
gestaltTempMemSupport EQU 4 ; temp memory support
gestaltRealTempMemory EQU 5 ; temp memory handles are real
gestaltTempMemTracked EQU 6 ; temporary memory handles are tracked
gestaltIPCSupport EQU 7 ; IPC support is present
gestaltSysDebuggerSupport EQU 8 ; system debugger support is present
gestaltOSTable EQU 'ostt' ; OS trap table base
gestaltProcClkSpeed EQU 'pclk' ; processor clock speed in hertz
gestaltPCXAttr EQU 'pcxg' ; PC Exchange attributes
gestaltPCXHas8and16BitFAT EQU 0 ; PC Exchange supports both 8 and 16 bit FATs
gestaltPCXHasProDOS EQU 1 ; PC Exchange supports ProDOS
gestaltLogicalPageSize EQU 'pgsz' ; logical page size
gestaltPopupAttr EQU 'pop!' ; popup cdef attributes
gestaltPopupPresent EQU 0
gestaltPowerMgrAttr EQU 'powr' ; power manager attributes
gestaltPMgrExists EQU 0
gestaltPMgrCPUIdle EQU 1
gestaltPMgrSCC EQU 2
gestaltPMgrSound EQU 3
gestaltPMgrDispatchExists EQU 4
; * PPC will return the combination of following bit fields.
; * e.g. gestaltPPCSupportsRealTime +gestaltPPCSupportsIncoming + gestaltPPCSupportsOutGoing
; * indicates PPC is cuurently is only supports real time delivery
; * and both incoming and outgoing network sessions are allowed.
; * By default local real time delivery is supported as long as PPCInit has been called.
gestaltPPCToolboxAttr EQU 'ppc ' ; PPC toolbox attributes
gestaltPPCToolboxPresent EQU $0000 ; PPC Toolbox is present Requires PPCInit to be called
gestaltPPCSupportsRealTime EQU $1000 ; PPC Supports real-time delivery
gestaltPPCSupportsIncoming EQU $0001 ; PPC will deny incoming network requests
gestaltPPCSupportsOutGoing EQU $0002 ; PPC will deny outgoing network requests
gestaltProcessorType EQU 'proc' ; processor type
gestalt68000 EQU 1
gestalt68010 EQU 2
gestalt68020 EQU 3
gestalt68030 EQU 4
gestalt68040 EQU 5
gestaltParityAttr EQU 'prty' ; parity attributes
gestaltHasParityCapability EQU 0 ; has ability to check parity
gestaltParityEnabled EQU 1 ; parity checking enabled
gestaltQuickdrawVersion EQU 'qd ' ; quickdraw version
gestaltOriginalQD EQU $0000 ; original 1-bit QD
gestalt8BitQD EQU $0100 ; 8-bit color QD
gestalt32BitQD EQU $0200 ; 32-bit color QD
gestalt32BitQD11 EQU $0201 ; 32-bit color QDv1.1
gestalt32BitQD12 EQU $0220 ; 32-bit color QDv1.2
gestalt32BitQD13 EQU $0230 ; 32-bit color QDv1.3
gestaltQuickdrawFeatures EQU 'qdrw' ; quickdraw features
gestaltHasColor EQU 0 ; color quickdraw present
gestaltHasDeepGWorlds EQU 1 ; GWorlds can be deeper than 1-bit
gestaltHasDirectPixMaps EQU 2 ; PixMaps can be direct (16 or 32 bit)
gestaltHasGrayishTextOr EQU 3 ; supports text mode grayishTextOr
gestaltSupportsMirroring EQU 4 ; Supports video mirroring via the Display Manager.
gestaltQuickTimeVersion EQU 'qtim' ; returns version of QuickTime
gestaltQuickTime EQU 'qtim' ; gestaltQuickTime is old name for gestaltQuickTimeVersion
gestaltQuickTimeConferencingInfo EQU 'qtci' ; returns pointer to QuickTime Conferencing information
gestaltQuickTimeConferencing EQU 'mtlk' ; returns QuickTime Conferencing version
gestaltQuickTimeFeatures EQU 'qtrs'
gestaltPPCQuickTimeLibPresent EQU 0 ; PowerPC QuickTime glue library is present
gestaltPhysicalRAMSize EQU 'ram ' ; physical RAM size
gestaltRBVAddr EQU 'rbv ' ; RBV base address
gestaltROMSize EQU 'rom ' ; rom size
gestaltROMVersion EQU 'romv' ; rom version
gestaltResourceMgrAttr EQU 'rsrc' ; Resource Mgr attributes
gestaltPartialRsrcs EQU 0 ; True if partial resources exist
gestaltRealtimeMgrAttr EQU 'rtmr' ; Realtime manager attributes
gestaltRealtimeMgrPresent EQU 0 ; true if the Realtime manager is present
gestaltSCCReadAddr EQU 'sccr' ; scc read base address
gestaltSCCWriteAddr EQU 'sccw' ; scc read base address
gestaltScrapMgrAttr EQU 'scra' ; Scrap Manager attributes
gestaltScrapMgrTranslationAware EQU 0 ; True if scrap manager is translation aware
gestaltScriptMgrVersion EQU 'scri' ; Script Manager version number
gestaltScriptCount EQU 'scr#' ; number of active script systems
gestaltSCSI EQU 'scsi' ; SCSI Manager attributes
gestaltAsyncSCSI EQU 0 ; Supports Asynchronous SCSI
gestaltAsyncSCSIINROM EQU 1 ; Async scsi is in ROM (available for booting)
gestaltSCSISlotBoot EQU 2 ; ROM supports Slot-style PRAM for SCSI boots (PDM and later)
gestaltControlStripAttr EQU 'sdev' ; Control Strip attributes
gestaltControlStripExists EQU 0 ; Control Strip is installed
gestaltControlStripVersionFixed EQU 1 ; Control Strip version Gestalt selector was fixed
gestaltControlStripUserFont EQU 2 ; supports user-selectable font/size
gestaltControlStripUserHotKey EQU 3 ; support user-selectable hot key to show/hide the window
gestaltSerialAttr EQU 'ser ' ; Serial attributes
gestaltHasGPIaToDCDa EQU 0 ; GPIa connected to DCDa
gestaltHasGPIaToRTxCa EQU 1 ; GPIa connected to RTxCa clock input
gestaltHasGPIbToDCDb EQU 2 ; GPIb connected to DCDb
gestaltNuBusConnectors EQU 'sltc' ; bitmap of NuBus connectors
gestaltSlotAttr EQU 'slot' ; slot attributes
gestaltSlotMgrExists EQU 0 ; true is slot mgr exists
gestaltNuBusPresent EQU 1 ; NuBus slots are present
gestaltSESlotPresent EQU 2 ; SE PDS slot present
gestaltSE30SlotPresent EQU 3 ; SE/30 slot present
gestaltPortableSlotPresent EQU 4 ; Portable's slot present
gestaltFirstSlotNumber EQU 'slt1' ; returns first physical slot
gestaltSoundAttr EQU 'snd ' ; sound attributes
gestaltStereoCapability EQU 0 ; sound hardware has stereo capability
gestaltStereoMixing EQU 1 ; stereo mixing on external speaker
gestaltSoundIOMgrPresent EQU 3 ; The Sound I/O Manager is present
gestaltBuiltInSoundInput EQU 4 ; built-in Sound Input hardware is present
gestaltHasSoundInputDevice EQU 5 ; Sound Input device available
gestaltPlayAndRecord EQU 6 ; built-in hardware can play and record simultaneously
gestalt16BitSoundIO EQU 7 ; sound hardware can play and record 16-bit samples
gestaltStereoInput EQU 8 ; sound hardware can record stereo
gestaltLineLevelInput EQU 9 ; sound input port requires line level
; the following bits are not defined prior to Sound Mgr 3.0
gestaltSndPlayDoubleBuffer EQU 10 ; SndPlayDoubleBuffer available, set by Sound Mgr 3.0 and later
gestaltMultiChannels EQU 11 ; multiple channel support, set by Sound Mgr 3.0 and later
gestalt16BitAudioSupport EQU 12 ; 16 bit audio data supported, set by Sound Mgr 3.0 and later
gestaltSoftwareVendorCode EQU 'srad' ; Returns system software vendor information
gestaltSoftwareVendorApple EQU 'Appl' ; System software sold by Apple
gestaltSoftwareVendorLicensee EQU 'Lcns' ; System software sold by licensee
gestaltStandardFileAttr EQU 'stdf' ; Standard File attributes
gestaltStandardFile58 EQU 0 ; True if selectors 5-8 (StandardPutFile-CustomGetFile) are supported
gestaltStandardFileTranslationAware EQU 1 ; True if standard file is translation manager aware
gestaltStandardFileHasColorIcons EQU 2 ; True if standard file has 16x16 color icons
gestaltStandardFileUseGenericIcons EQU 3 ; Standard file LDEF to use only the system generic icons if true
gestaltStandardFileHasDynamicVolumeAllocation EQU 4 ; True if standard file supports more than 20 volumes
gestaltSysArchitecture EQU 'sysa' ; Native System Architecture
gestalt68k EQU 1 ; Motorola MC68k architecture
gestaltPowerPC EQU 2 ; IBM PowerPC architecture
gestaltSystemUpdateVersion EQU 'sysu' ; System Update version
gestaltSystemVersion EQU 'sysv' ; system version
gestaltTSMgrVersion EQU 'tsmv' ; Text Services Mgr version, if present
gestaltTSMgr2 EQU $0200
gestaltTSMgrAttr EQU 'tsma' ; Text Services Mgr attributes, if present
gestaltTSMDisplayMgrAwareBit EQU 0 ; TSM knows about display manager
gestaltTSMdoesTSMTEBit EQU 1 ; TSM has integrated TSMTE
gestaltTSMTEVersion EQU 'tmTV'
gestaltTSMTE1 EQU $0100
gestaltTSMTE2 EQU $0200
gestaltTSMTEAttr EQU 'tmTE'
gestaltTSMTEPresent EQU 0
gestaltTSMTE EQU 0 ; gestaltTSMTE is old name for gestaltTSMTEPresent
gestaltTextEditVersion EQU 'te ' ; TextEdit version number
gestaltTE1 EQU 1 ; TextEdit in MacIIci ROM
gestaltTE2 EQU 2 ; TextEdit with 6.0.4 Script Systems on MacIIci (Script bug fixes for MacIIci)
gestaltTE3 EQU 3 ; TextEdit with 6.0.4 Script Systems all but MacIIci
gestaltTE4 EQU 4 ; TextEdit in System 7.0
gestaltTE5 EQU 5 ; TextWidthHook available in TextEdit
gestaltTE6 EQU 6 ; TextEdit in System 8.0
gestaltTEAttr EQU 'teat' ; TextEdit attributes
gestaltTEHasGetHiliteRgn EQU 0 ; TextEdit has TEGetHiliteRgn
gestaltTESupportsInlineInput EQU 1 ; TextEdit does Inline Input
gestaltTESupportsTextObjects EQU 2 ; TextEdit does Text Objects
gestaltTeleMgrAttr EQU 'tele' ; Telephone manager attributes
gestaltTeleMgrPresent EQU 0
gestaltTeleMgrPowerPCSupport EQU 1
gestaltTeleMgrSoundStreams EQU 2
gestaltTeleMgrAutoAnswer EQU 3
gestaltTeleMgrIndHandset EQU 4
gestaltTeleMgrSilenceDetect EQU 5
gestaltTeleMgrNewTELNewSupport EQU 6
gestaltTermMgrAttr EQU 'term' ; terminal mgr attributes
gestaltTermMgrPresent EQU 0
gestaltTermMgrErrorString EQU 2
gestaltTimeMgrVersion EQU 'tmgr' ; time mgr version
gestaltStandardTimeMgr EQU 1 ; standard time mgr is present
gestaltRevisedTimeMgr EQU 2 ; revised time mgr is present
gestaltExtendedTimeMgr EQU 3 ; extended time mgr is present
gestaltSpeechAttr EQU 'ttsc' ; Speech Manager attributes
gestaltSpeechMgrPresent EQU 0 ; bit set indicates that Speech Manager exists
gestaltSpeechHasPPCGlue EQU 1 ; bit set indicates that native PPC glue for Speech Manager API exists
gestaltToolboxTable EQU 'tbtt' ; OS trap table base
gestaltThreadMgrAttr EQU 'thds' ; Thread Manager attributes
gestaltThreadMgrPresent EQU 0 ; bit true if Thread Mgr is present
gestaltSpecificMatchSupport EQU 1 ; bit true if Thread Mgr supports exact match creation option
gestaltThreadsLibraryPresent EQU 2 ; bit true if Thread Mgr shared library is present
gestaltTVAttr EQU 'tv ' ; TV version
gestaltHasTVTuner EQU 0 ; supports Philips FL1236F video tuner
gestaltHasSoundFader EQU 1 ; supports Philips TEA6330 Sound Fader chip
gestaltHasHWClosedCaptioning EQU 2 ; supports Philips SAA5252 Closed Captioning
gestaltHasIRRemote EQU 3 ; supports CyclopsII Infra Red Remote control
gestaltHasVidDecoderScaler EQU 4 ; supports Philips SAA7194 Video Decoder/Scaler
gestaltHasStereoDecoder EQU 5 ; supports Sony SBX1637A-01 stereo decoder
gestaltHasSerialFader EQU 6 ; has fader audio in serial with system audio
gestaltHasFMTuner EQU 7 ; has FM Tuner from donnybrook card
gestaltVersion EQU 'vers' ; gestalt version
gestaltValueImplementedVers EQU 5 ; version of gestalt where gestaltValue is implemented.
gestaltVIA1Addr EQU 'via1' ; via 1 base address
gestaltVIA2Addr EQU 'via2' ; via 2 base address
gestaltVMAttr EQU 'vm ' ; virtual memory attributes
gestaltVMPresent EQU 0 ; true if virtual memory is present
gestaltTranslationAttr EQU 'xlat' ; Translation Manager attributes
gestaltTranslationMgrExists EQU 0 ; True if translation manager exists
gestaltTranslationMgrHintOrder EQU 1 ; True if hint order reversal in effect
gestaltTranslationPPCAvail EQU 2
gestaltTranslationGetPathAPIAvail EQU 3
gestaltExtToolboxTable EQU 'xttt' ; Extended Toolbox trap table base